Anti-piracy solutions
AMEFO offers a solution package to protect sensitive areas from ballistic or RPG aggression and to protect the crew behind armored/anti-burglary doors, hatches and citadels if the vessel is boarded.
In order to face operational circumstances, AMEFO proposes protection solutions that can be integrated during the ship’s conception and directly on operational ships.
AMEFO is also part of the consortium « Autoprotection » which aims to offer complete and integrate protection solutions for civilian vessels against piracy. Led by Sagem (Safran), the “autoprotection” consortium reunites the expertise of major groups in addition to small/medium companies and government agencies specialized in Defense and Security: Amefo, Bureau Veritas, Eca Group, French national maritime college (l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure Maritime), Lacroix, Sofresud, SeaOwl and Thales.
AMEFO’s offers are addressed to:
- Naval constructors
- Shipowners and operators
- Final users
AMEFO’s products aimed to protect sensible areas such as:
- Cockpit or control station
- Safety vault
- Vessel’s bridge
- Engine compartment
- Ammunition stocks
Control station or cockpit full protection
Ballistic protection
- Tailor made and easily integrated solutions following specifications
- Bulletproof glasses and window frames
- Armored protection panels based on various ballistic materials
- Glass fiber
- Aramid: Kevlar®, Twaron®
- High performance polyethylene: Dyneema® UD, Endumax®, Spectra Shield®, Tensylon™
- Armored steels
- Composite materials
- Ceramics
Anti RPG protection: Flex fence and Hybrid Slat Fence
AMEFO offers a unique passive RPG defeat solution specially designed to protect against shaped charge of rocket propelled grenades. The Flex Fence system employs a patented advanced solution and intelligent engineering offering the best neutralization ratio on the market. This light weighted product is designed to fit in any type of new and retrofitted boats. Our solutions can be easily mounted onto any vessels, which cannot support the weight of a traditional metal anti-RPG protection.
- Opaque or transparent protection from various technologies
- Removable protection bars for glazed areas
- Well recognized UV and salt fog resistance
- Inside and outside easy integration to dynamic areas such as the ship’s bridge and other sensitive areas